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PCTFE Machined Parts
PolyChloroTriFluoroEthylene (aka Kel-F ®)
Well Suited for the Extremes of Cryogenic Applications

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PCTFE blank stock used to machine valve seats
Neoflon M-400H PCTFE
Molded Blanks

These blanks have been annealed and are ready to
be machined into
Cryogenic Ball Valve Seats

PCTFE - Molded & CNC machined parts including valve seats and end caps


PCTFE is a tough, durable fluoroplastic that exhibits unique physical and mechanical properties:

  • Stress-crack resistance
  • High mechanical strength and low shrinkage rate at low temperatures providing excellent stability for valve seats.
  • Excellent stability at low temperatures
  • Good machining properties
  • Excellent chemical resistance to all inorganic corrosive liquids
  • Practically zero moisture absorption
  • Excellent electrical properties maintained in high humidity conditions
  • Maximum temperature for continuous use:  248 F (120 C)
  • Melting point:  Approx. 410 F
These characteristics are maintained over a working range of
-400 deg. F to +248 deg. F  (-240 deg. C to +120 deg. C).

PCTFE M-400H Material Properties:
  • Compressive Strength (D-695):  5000-5500 psi
  • Tensile Strength (D-638):  4800-5300 psi
  • Elongation:  100 - 200%
  • Flexural Strength (D-790):  9000 - 10,000 psi
  • Hardness, Shore D:  D90
Properties listed are general ranges. Actual properties may vary based on
material lot and processing.

The commonly known Kel-F® brand of PCTFE, a registered trademark of 3M,
is no longer manufactured. APT typically processes PCTFE, M-400H grade, by Daikin America.

Note: The property data offered represents average values obtained on laboratory test samples. Values listed are high limits. Properties may vary based upon processing technique and temperature. Data should be used only as a guide in selecting the appropriate compound. Actual performance will be affected by processing methods as well as end use service conditions.

Applied Plastics Technology, Inc.
45 Broad Common Road
PO Box 45
Bristol, RI 02809  USA
(800) 752-7082
(401) 253-0200, Fax: (401) 253-0474
email: info@ptfeparts.com