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High Purity PTFE Molding

APT's Clean Molding Room Minimizes The Introduction
Of Impurities During Teflon ® PTFE Compression Molding
APT's clean molding room is ultilized when the highest PTFE purity level is required for demanding scientific & industrial applications.  Our clean procedures along with clean garbbed molding technicians keep impurites out of our molded stock.

While our everyday PTFE clean molding standards strive to minimize processing introduced impurities, such as carbon based contaminants, the facilities shown here allow us to offer you a higher level of clean.  Should you have particular demands, we can work with you to define the clean protocols that will be implemented during the molding of your order.

APT's involvement with High Energy Physics projects such as EXO, a particle physics experiment looking for neutrinoless double beta decay, gave us an opportunity to establish clean processing procedures that met their demand for an ultra low background material.  Our ultimate goal -  to maintain a purity level that is very near to that of the raw material.

In the case of PTFE compression molding, the first step in the defense against dirty stock is to start with a clean PTFE resin and keep it that way. One such very clean resin is Dupont's NXT grade of modified Teflon® PTFE.  This resin has been tested and known to have low intrinsic concentrations of radioactive impurities.  Call us for more information.
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Left: Material is handled & mold filled beneath the laminar flow bench.      Right: Soft-sided clean room setup for high purity molding.
Laminar flow bench provides a zero particle count under the work area (monitored with a laser particle counter).

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Clean room within a clean molding room - An epoxy floor, stainless steel surfaces and HEPA filtration help us stay clean.
Stainless steel-lined sintering oven is in an adjacent room.  This oven is dedicated to virgin and modified grades of PTFE.

What defines "clean" for your application?  Give APT's Sales & Engineering staff a call to discuss your requirements.  For most applications our normal clean molding will meet your needs, but for ultra high purity projects we'll be happy to quote the additional steps we take to deliver extra clean PTFE.

Clean part handling options are available including: Ultrasonic cleaning, OCC cleaning, clean packaging & labeling.

Teflon™ is a trademark of THE CHEMOURS COMPANY FC, LLC used under license by Applied Plastics Technology, Inc.
Applied Plastics Technology, Inc.
45 Broad Common Road
PO Box 45
Bristol, RI 02809  USA
(800) 752-7082
(401) 253-0200, Fax: (401) 253-0474